On 1/7/13 6:20 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:
Why would this need to be on specific operations and not just be
enforced on every operation?

I believe Gecko currently enforces this sort of thing on every operation, for what it's worth.

Or it it that only a limited set of objects is exposed
cross origin anyway

The set of objects exposed is not particularly limited once document.domain gets involved.

Note that there is longstanding disagreemed on which cases of direct property access should perform same-origin checks. Again, Gecko I believe does it for all but a whitelist of properties like Window.top and such.

For the actual wording of the check, we could either have a "security
check" that is performed at the right time in #es-operations etc. and
which HTML defines to do the origin checking, or we can make Web IDL
aware of origins itself, and then HTML would define what origin
different objects come from.

For what it's worth, in Gecko the "is same origin" determination is one and the same as "implements an interface" determination: a cross-origin object simply claims to not implement any interfaces from the caller's point of view.


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