In most situations, when the user puts a webpage in the background, any media 
being played by the page should be paused. Any attempts to play audio by a 
background page should also be prevented. However, for some sites (music or 
radio apps) the user would like to continue to hear the app while they do 
something else. These pages should be able to designate their audio as a type 
that should keep playing while in the background. The useragent should also 
attempt to avoid having the stream killed by the operating system if possible. 
This is especially true on mobile devices, but the problem is also already 
prevalent on desktop.

I think semantically we need a way to describe to the useragent how to play a 
particular track. I'd suggest we add an optional attribute to media elements, 
"audiochannel", designating the output and priority of this audio. The channel 
attribute can potentially take on three different values. "normal", 
"background", and "telephony". 

"normal" channels are the default for all media elements. Using them doesn't 
require any special permissions. Audio playing with these channels is paused 
when the web page moves into the background. In addition, calling play on an 
media element with this channel while in the background will put the element 
into the paused for user interaction state (i.e. playback won't start until the 
webapp is brought to the foreground)?

"background" channels will continue to play when the page is put into the 
background. Trying to play a background channel while in the background should 
also work. The ability to play audio on this channel may require requesting 
permission from the UA first (i.e. possibly a prompt when the audio is first 
played or when moving to the background). If the user doesn't grant permission, 
these should throw a MediaError (MEDIA_ERR_CHANNEL_PERMISSION_NOT_GRANTED?) so 
that the page can know what has happened and do something appropriate.

"telephony" channels are similar to "background" channels and can play even if 
the page is in the background. Playing audio on a telephony channel may cause 
any audio playing on "normal" or "background" channels to be paused or have 
their volume severely decreased. They also, on devices where its supported, 
will likely play over handset speakers rather than normal speakers. Similar to 
"background", these may require permission from the UA.

Note: This is all based rather loosely on the AudioChannels implementation 
written for B2G recently [1]. It includes a few other use-cases on its wiki 
page, along with definitions of additional channels to accomadate them. I've 
been trying to simplify it down to handle the most common use cases. Finding 
the correct terminology here is difficult though. For instance, it seems likely 
that games will see the background channel and think its an appropriate place 
to play game background music, the exact type of audio you'd like to have 
paused when you leave the game. Ideas for better ways to describe it are 


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