Rodrigo Polo <> schrieb am Tue, 4 Jun 2013
04:25:49 -0600:

> Many apps and web browsers make very difficult to work around geo
> location data, making a URI scheme available in all web browsers
> could be great, just like "mailto:"; opens an email client "geo:"
> could open your default maps app on desktop or mobile devices, here I
> give you a more detailed review, an open letter to all web browser
> devs:

In your blog post, you write:

> participating on the slow bureaucracy of open web standards isn’t the
> best idea

Elaborate on “best”. What track records do open letters have? Also read:

Do you know about RFC 5870? <> There
seems to exists a Firefox extension already implementing what you want:

The browser Midori already handles geo URIs, Android has a “geo” intent:

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

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