On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 12:25 AM, Mark Callow <callow.m...@artspark.co.jp>wrote:

>  On 2013/07/15 10:46, Justin Novosad wrote:
> But to circle back to your point, I agree that an exception is a good idea
> to avoid having to hold a triplicate copy in RAM, or having to redecode all
> the time. Better to force the dev to make additional copies explicitly if
> needed than to make a potentially uselessly costly implementation.mf
>  Maybe I am misunderstanding but the only reason I can see for 3 copies (2
> if you ignore the undecoded copy) is if you propose to ignore the specified
> parameters when drawing the image to a 2D canvas.

Yes, that is what I was referring to because that was suggested earlier on
this thread. But I think it is becoming clearer that that is not the right
thing to do.

> I would expect to always draw the image decoded as indicated by the
> proposed parameters so no additional copy would be necessary. Sure the
> image might not be correct (colors off or image upside down) but that would
> be a programmer error.

Exactly.  That is what I am suggesting.  If the programmer wants several
copies of the same image with different baked-in transformations, then the
programmer should create several ImageBitmaps explicitly.  No under the
hood magic. It's clearer that way.

> I would like to see ImageBitmap fully support WebGL so WebGL apps can use
> a Browser's built-in image decoders. And, if the rumors are true, come
> IE11, WebGL will be supported by all major browsers so it should be treated
> as a first-class citizen.


> Regards
>     -Mark
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