for some reason this message didn't make it to my inbox

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Dominic Mazzoni <>wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
>> Where does it say in the spec that if you have assistive technology
>> enabled, focus rings should not be drawn?
> if as a web author I call drawCustomFocusRing and it returns false, I'm
> not supposed to draw anything according to the spec. That's what doesn't
> make sense to me.

Why not?
It means that either the element was not focused or the user selected high
contrast focus rings.

The return value of true means that you as an author can draw the focus
ring in any style.

> It would take an element in fallback content as an argument. That would
>>> allow assistive technology to be notified.
>> As Ian pointed out, the accessibility software could do that.
> scrollPathIntoView can't be used to notify accessibility software of the
> focused object location as-is because it doesn't have an element to fire
> on, and it doesn't know if the scrolling is because of focus or not.
> If we added a canvas fallback element as a parameter to
> scrollPathIntoView, I don't think we'd need drawCustomFocusRing.

I don't understand. If the path that is active during
 drawCustom/SystemFocusRing is off screen and the element is focused, the
browser will scroll to that area.

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