
I have another proposal on how we can do canvas in workers. If it's not
practical or too complex, feel free to dismiss it. :-)

When drawing to canvas, Chrome stores the drawing commands in a buffer and
executes them when the main function returns (or access to pixel data is
It occurred to me that this could be re-purposed for canvas workers. A
worker could create a list of drawing commands and if the worker is done,
this list is executed either on the main thread or the worker or a
compositor thread depending on what your architecture supports.
The worker would not be allowed to read pixels or resize the canvas but all
other operations would be allowed.

The following new API's would be on the 2d context:

void setTaskScript(DOMString); // takes a url that contains the script for
the tasks

Promise executeTask(DOMString id, dictionary json, boolean synchronized =

An author can execute as many tasks as he wants, but there can be only 1
task with the same id active at a time. (Calling executeTask 2 times in a
row with the same id will drop the second task.)
If synchronized is true, the UA will ensure that the drawing commands of
the task are executed in order. For instance:

var p1 = ctx.executeTask("drawBackground");

var p2 = ctx.executeTask("drawScene");
var p3 = ctx.executeTask("drawControls");

will draw a game interface using 3 different tasks

It is up to the UA to determine how many tasks it can run in parallel. It
is also up to the UA on how/where the actual drawing command are resolved,
but the commands of every task (which include the main thread) have to be
executed atomically so there's no interleaving.

Every task has access to a canvas context-like object and the dictionary
that is passed in. It can not read pixel data or resize the canvas. Every
task per canvas and per ID also has access to its own VM.

The main thread can use the canvas as usual. Accessing pixel data or
resizing will block until all tasks are completed.
If 'synchronized' is set to true:
- the canvas bitmap won't be updated until all its tasks are done
- the tasks will execute in order
If 'synchronized' is set to false:
- the canvas bitmap is updated as soon as a task is ready
- tasks can draw out of order

The tasks themselves can also launch synchronized/unsynchronized subtasks
with promises. A task is considered "done" if it exits and all its promises
are fulfilled.


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