On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 11:16 PM, Robert O'Callahan

> With all these proposals I think it's OK to allow the main thread to do
> (e.g.) a toDataURL and read what the current contents of the canvas is,

We can defer this discussion, since it's not something new to this proposal
(or any other proposal we're discussing).

On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Robert O'Callahan <rob...@ocallahan.org>wrote:

> To me, passing the image data explicitly in an ImageBuffer along with the
> "present" message seems like a better fit to the workers message-passing
> model than this proposal, where the data is stored as hidden state in the
> canvas element with (effectively) a setter in the worker and a getter in
> the main thread, and that setting and getting has to be coordinated with
> postMessage for synchronization. The relationship between a "commit" and
> its "present" has to be deduced by reasoning about the timing of messages,
> rather than by just reasoning about JS data flow through postMessage.

Using ImageBitmap for this has a lot of issues.  It requires synchronizing
with scripts in the UI thread.  It requires manualling resize your canvas
repeatedly to fit different destinations.  It also may potentially create
lots of backbuffers. Here's an example of code using ImageBitmap
incorrectly, leading to excess memory allocation:

function render()
    var canvas = myWorkerCanvas;
    var buffer = canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
setTimeout(render, 1);

We start with one backbuffer available, render to it (renderTo), peel it
off the canvas to be displayed somewhere, and toss it off to the main
thread.  (For the sake of the example, the main thread is busy and doesn't
process it immediately.)  The worker enters render() again, and when it
gets to renderTo, a new backbuffer has to be allocated, since the one
buffer we have is still used by the ImageBuffer and can't be changed.  This
happens repeatedly, creating new backbuffers each time, since none of them
can be reused.

This is an extreme example, but if this ever happens even once, it means
potentially allocating an extra backbuffer.

> This proposal also requires that whenever a worker is going to return
> image data to the main thread, the main thread must start things off by
> creating a canvas element. It's also not possible for a worker to spawn off
> sub-workers to do drawing (at least, not without some really ugly
> coordination with the main thread.)

Sure it is.  If you want an offscreen buffer, you just "new
WorkerCanvas()".  This is unrelated to offscreen drawing.

Glenn Maynard

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