[trimming the Cc list, assuming everybody's subscribed to 

"Takayoshi Kochi (河内 隆仁)" <ko...@google.com>, 2013-12-09 16:18 +0900:

> The point that Yoichi wanted to make was to extract IME-related part of
> 'intputmode' spec and move out of inputmode, or at least separate the
> discussion about IME-related modes and other modes, otherwise the
> discussion will never go anywhere.
> How about using this bug as a starting point of the discussion (although
> it's on w3c bugzilla)?
> https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=23961
> Ben Bucksh (cc'ed) pointed out in the bug entry that inputmode has at
> least 3 aspects (script/language, data type, typing aid).  There is room
> for discussion whether we should split inputmode into every orthogonal
> modes, but whether we split or not, we would like to separate discussion
> whether each mode is good or not into these categories.

As I commented in bug 23961, the value of the inputmode attribute was
originally specified as taking a list of tokens, where one token is
optionally the name of a script like "latin" and the rest of the tokens
were optional modifiers.

So you could imagine a value like inputmode="latin titlecase prediction".

I'm not saying I think the use cases actually merit changing the inputmode
microsyntax to be a list of tokens like that. But it might be preferable to
introducing yet more attributes.


Michael[tm] Smith http://people.w3.org/mike

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