On Mon, 3 Feb 2014, Ben Vinegar wrote:
> But while we’re not interested in the style component of the seamless 
> attribute, we – and probably all developers that hack on iframes – are 
> interested in the resizing behaviour it introduces. Right now we deploy 
> fairly complex code, both inside the iframed document, and on the parent 
> document, to resize the iframe element when the iframed content changes 
> size. Every iframed application with dynamically-sized content does the 
> same.

Thanks for descrbing this use case.

It has come up before, as it happens. Combined with the desire for other 
aspects of seamless="" to apply to cross-origin iframes, the current 
proposal is to have headers that enable these features on the embedee 
site, with CSP being used to decide which origins are allowed to use the 
feature at all. You can see more about this at these links:


The current blocker is getting implementor interest; right now, most 
implementors haven't finished (or in some cases even started) supporting 
seamless="" even for same-origin iframes, so we don't want to start adding 
more features yet lest we get too far ahead of the browsers.

> To me, it’s crazy that it’s 2013 and there’s still no native way to have 
> the browser automatically resize an iframe. And yet we have seamless. 
> But it not only resizes: it adds all this other bundled behaviour, and 
> strictly serves a fringe use case where somebody is distributing iframes 
> on the same origin.

The main use case is same-origin-served blog comments, which isn't that 
fringe, to be fair.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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