I thought I had replied to this. Seems I did not.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 7:24 PM, Peter Beverloo <bever...@google.com> wrote:
> The Notification specification defines a static Notification.permission
> accessor, which returns one of {granted, denied, default}. This requires
> the browser to synchronously determine whether the page has permission to
> show notifications, whereas checking this may be an asynchronous operation.
> This is the case in Chrome.
> Before this becomes a paradigm, could we consider having a static
> hasPermission() instead, returning a Promise?

If use counter data shows we can do that, that'd be fine with me. Note
that we expose a bunch of information from the underlying platform
synchronously though.

> I'll add a UseCounter to Blink for tracking Notification.permission usage,
> but it will take some time before conclusive usage data comes in.

Okay, please reply to this thread once we know what our options are.


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