On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 6:06 AM, Kenneth Russell <k...@google.com> wrote:

> It is a little unfortunate that a canvas-specific solution is needed.
> Is it known whether document.getBoxQuads solves this problem in
> Firefox?

It doesn't.

Gecko (and I assume other engines) typically snaps CSS box edges to device
pixel edges at render time, so that CSS backgrounds and borders look crisp.
So if a canvas has a CSS background exactly filling its content box, our
snapping of the content box is what determines the ideal device pixel size
of the canvas buffer.

Authors can estimate the canvas device pixel size using getBoxQuads to get
the canvas content box in fractional CSS pixels and multiplying by
devicePixelRatio (assuming no CSS transforms or other effects present). But
if that estimate results in a non-integral device pixel size, there's no
way for authors to know how we will snap that to an integral size.

We could move these attributes up the element hierarchy, or better still to
a new generic API that works on all elements (e.g. some variant of
getBoxQuads). (CSS fragmentation might split an element into multiple boxes
with different sizes.) I don't know of any good use-cases for that, but
maybe there are some?

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