> http://meiert.com/en/indices/html-elements/

Based on feedback from people on this list and public-html, the index
now includes what appears to be the first version of HTML, irons out
an inconsistency with respect to Strict and Transitional document
types, and features a tiny bit more info.

I recognize HTML 5 as maintained at the WHATWG as the latest and a
living HTML spec and with that may or may not include HTML 5.1 in the
near future. Feedback on this question is appreciated. If you need to
compare HTML 5.1 today, Steve maintains a slightly different index,
originally based on mine, that includes it:

(Apologies to those who’re subscribed to both WHATWG and W3C lists and
who may see this message twice; the lists are separate on purpose, and
yet this is related to both.)

Jens O. Meiert

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