On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:59 AM, Mike <tomshin...@yandex-team.ru> wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> Let’s get back to this subject as it seems there is still no solution. 
> Recently we - Yandex.Browser - discussed with Opera if there could be a 
> standard for page icons (let’s call it so) on NewTabPage that replace small 
> screenshots with nice logos like this:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1830800/ss_tablo.jpg
> This page icon might also contain a notification counter that would enable 
> website to communicate with user and improve retention. Similar to mobile 
> icons and notifications. But on desktop there might be more than one counter.
> * Counter use-cases:
> 1.Mail (gmail, yahoo, yandex) - number of unread/new emails.
> 2.Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc) - number of 
> notifications, messages, friends requests.
> 3.E-commerce (Amazon, eBay, TaoBao etc) - number of cart items (waiting list 
> items)
> 4.Microblogs and contend-based platforms (tumblr, youtube, ask, quora, news 
> website etc) - number of new content.
> * How the standard could look like:
> <link rel=“newtabpage_icon" href=“logo_url" show_title=“true/false” (optional 
> attribute; default: false - for main page; true - for internal) 
> ntp_manifest=“manifest_url” (optional attribute; only for counter 
> implementation) />
> * How the manifest could look like:
> I would suggest to postpone this discussion for later and focus on the first 
> part. Step by step.
> * What kind of issues do I see:
> 1) There’re 3 general formats of page icons:
>     a) square in Chrome, Opera
>     b) floating in FF and Safari
>     c) fixed ratio in Yandex (1:2), Maxthon (1:1,4)
> Obvious there should just one icon provided by webmaster. So we need to agree 
> on the aspect ratio (and size). Thus some developers will need to find a way 
> how to handle it. But I believe it’s just a matter of fitting and resizing.
> 2) There is already a couple of standards or quasi-standads:
>     - favicons (most promising seems to be the increasing of their size and 
> svg support)
>     - apple-touch-icon used by Apple and Android
>     - msapplication-TileImage used by MS
>     - Firefox OS icon (detached case)
>     - SpeedDial API by Opera (as an extension)
> In Yandex.Browser we think how to improve our Tablo API and we would prefer 
> to use some common approach rather than developing a proprietary standard. So 
> guys, what do you think? Is there a place for such kind of standard or it’s 
> already too tight among those semi-standards?

The 'theme-color' <meta> value recently proposed and standardized by
Android covers the color use-case, at least.


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