Silvia Pfeiffer <> writes:

> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 12:17 PM,  <> wrote:
>> On 9/12/14, Silvia Pfeiffer <> wrote:
>>> What I'd you're a long way away from any medical help?
>> What?
> s/I'd/if/
> (sorry - mobile keyboard)
>>> In my mind this is part of the larger drive of the web of things (IoT
>>> applied to the web) and needs device APIs. This might not be the right
>>> group to discuss it in though.
>> Where is the best place to define the APIs for devices to track, monitor,
>> and surveil us?
>> Perhaps the W3C is the best place. It is funded by the very corporations
>> that are making such monitoring devices and with developer relations experts
>> to tell you how. These corporations are backed by  philanthropists, such as
>> William Gates III, whose opposes climate change, whistleblowers, and
>> overpopulation.
>> Sure, Microsoft might've backdoored stuff for the NSA for the past 10 years,
>> and Apple might share your info to the NSA (they'll get it anyway). And
>> Google and the CIA might want info for MindMeld (TM) or Recorded Future,
>> which they openly fund (links below).
>> He who pays the piper calls the tune.
>> You don't have anything to hide, right?
>> Or maybe the question of "how" or where to "best to engineer" this or that
>> new gadget is best answered by first asking how to prevent such engineering
>> from being used by a top-down, "efficient" system.
>> The system is working. That is the problem.
>> Google & CIA funded MindMeld
>> CIA funded MindMeld
> If you don't want to give your data to anyone, don't. Nobody is
> forcing you to share your medical data over the Internet.

Nobody is forcing you to share your location data over the Internet as
well – but somehow, flashlight apps for Android seem to do it at times:

If something is possible, users can be tricked into allowing it – or
even pressured. Just look at “enable JavaScript and cookies or a web
site that *could* work without both of these will refuse to do that.”

> I don't see that stopping the world moving forward though. Given that
> it is happening anyway, I'd rather go with an open API than
> proprietary ones where we don't know what is happening.

I question the assumption that an open standard for something ethically
questionable is always desirable. An open standard for voting computers
could, for example, lead to more use of voting computers and thus help
those who wish commit large scale electoral fraud.

I must admit that I am not nearly knowledgeable enough regarding ethical
and legal issues surrounding disclosure of medical data. I just think
that “shoot first, ask questions later” does not fit in there well.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

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