In Yutaka, Anne, and I are 
working on how to integrate the fetch API with streams. The general pattern we 
want is that for both request and response objects their creator is given a 
writable stream to write body content to, using [the revealing constructor 
pattern][1]. (That way, for requests or responses created by the browser, 
developers can only read---not write---the bodies; for requests/responses 
created by the developer, the developer can do both.)

The current fetch API when initializing with non-streaming bodies is roughly:

var req = new Request("";, {
  method: "POST",
  body: '{ "json": "here" }' // or blob or FormData or ...

var res = new Response('{ "json": "here" }' /* or blob or FormData or ... */, {
  status: 201,
  headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Note how in both cases the "most important" value is given an unlabeled 
position as the first argument: requests are "about" URLs, and responses are 
"about" bodies.

Our current thought for streams integration is to overload the "body" position 
for each of these with a function that takes a writable stream:

var req = new Request("";, {
  method: "POST",
  body(stream) {

var res = new Response(
  stream => {
    someCSVStream.pipeThrough(new CSVToJsonTransform()).pipeTo(stream);
    status: 201,
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

Do we think this is good? Any other ideas?

Personally I find the overloads weird, especially since they behave completely 
differently when passing a string versus passing a function. But after thinking 
through this for a while I didn't have any better ideas that worked for both 
requests and responses.

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