On 19/11/14 14:55, Domenic Denicola wrote:

>> web-platform-tests is huge.  I only need a small piece.  So for
>> now, I'm making do with a "wget" in my Makefile, and two patch
>> files which cover material that hasn't yet made it upstream.
> Right, I was suggesting the other way around: hosting the
> evolving-along-with-the-standard testdata.txt inside whatwg/url, and
> letting web-platform-tests pull that in (with e.g. a submodule).

That sounds like unnecessary complexity to me. It means that random
third party contributers need to know which repository to submit changes
to if they edit the urld testata file. It also means that we have to
recreate all the infrastructure we've created around web-platform-tests
for the URL repo.

Centralization of the test repository has been a big component of making
contributing to testing easier, and I would be very reluctant to
special-case URL here.

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