On 3 December 2014 at 14:15, Julian Reschke <julian.resc...@gmx.de> wrote:

> 2.) You may want to support anchors based on section numbers which will
> allow other parties to link to a specific section of the document while only
> knowing the section number and a template (think references to sections
> numbers in RFCs over on tools.ietf.org).

another way to do this is let people link to parts of a document based
on CSS selectors rather than author-defined IDs.

One such proposal is http://simonstl.com/articles/cssFragID.html,
whereby you could link to -say- the fifth <h2> using
http://example.com/lorem.html#css(h2:nth-of-tyupe(5)), whether or not
the author had put an ID on the <h2>.


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