On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 6:31 PM, Majid Valipour <maji...@chromium.org> wrote:
> partial interface History {
>   void pushState(in any data, in DOMString title, in optional DOMString
> url, in optional StateOptions options);
>   void replaceState(in any data, in DOMString title, in optional DOMString
> url, in optional StateOptions options);
>   readonly attribute StateOptions options;
> };
> dictionary StateOptions {
> Boolean restoreScroll = true,
> }

The only suggestion I have is that instead of having four-argument
methods we might want to consider introducing two new methods that
take a dictionary. E.g. history.push() and history.replace(). Giving
the page more control over the scroll position when navigating makes
sense to me.


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