On 07/25/2017 10:45 AM, Jonathan Zuckerman wrote:
This suggestion might have more success with the W3C? I'm not completely
clear on the politics and history of the two orgs, but it seems like the
W3C has supported JSON-LD in the past, so they might have some interest in
expanding it.

On a personal note, I think you've got really far down the path of a hammer
looking for a nail. Spend more time working with the web you've got before
trying to change it.

Fuck you. Seriously. I've been working with the web since the late 90s.

I don't need condensing crap like that.

No, I don't have a hammer looking for nail.

JSON-LD is a beautiful implementation of structured data, that potentially includes the ability to only include it when the client wants it included.

I'm sorry you are too biased against it to open your mind and see it.

Learn some fucking manners.

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