On 2018-03-25 09:08, Richard Maher wrote:
Splitting things into a whole bunch of APIs and then trying to get permissions working for all of them is going to be a huge pain IMO.

There is no "going to be" Roger. You are not embarking on a green-field development or brain-storming "The Web". We are where we are. I don't care if people want to change things but it is DEFINITELY out-of-scope for the Background Geolocation implementation.

I was a unaware you where the moderator of the Background Geolocation specs or similar. In that case my apologies, I had no intention of pushing things into the specs that do not belong there (it's bad enough in politics).

But I don't understand what you mean by "We are where we are" or why you are against brain storming and I had to lookup the greenfield term but I am unsure if you mean untapped market, new software projects, undeveloped land or if you are referring to an area in Manchester (yes I'm being an asshat on that last one).

I'm also unsure if you are being sarcastic or are actually trying to dictate what I should or should not do. If you are upset that things veered off topic then I'm sorry about that.

To me it looks like you want a commercial backend solution for Uber or Dominos or similar (not end users). Surely these can run apps on tablets or smartphones? Browsers are pretty good but for operational software you want reliability and a consumer browser despite the amazing efforts of the developers so far is not that stable yet. If "always on in the background" is key to a business then a OS run background service is exactly what is needed.

If you need certain functionality implemented and your project is waiting on this then I suggest you make a OS native app instead before your competitors sale past you.

Looking through the WHATWG history I do not like what I see so I'm going to stop communicating regarding this topic, and most likely future topics by you, you come across as excessively abrasive and I'd rather not have to deal with that. You've said in the past that you felt you have been stifled or censored by others, well now you have succeeded in stifling me. I'm having difficulties communicating with you, I can't even imagine trying to work on code or standards implementations with you.

Unless specified otherwise, anything I write publicly is considered Public Domain (CC0). My opinions are my own unless specified otherwise.
Roger Hågensen,
Freelancer, Norway.

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