On Thu, 8 Mar 2018, Alix TRIEU wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:09 AM Julia Lawall <julia.law...@lip6.fr> wrote:
>       On Tue, 27 Feb 2018, Claude Marché wrote:
>       >
>       > Here is another typical usage, say for the swap function:
>       >
>       >
>       >   let swap (a:array 'a) (i:int) (j:int) : unit
>       >     requires { 0 <= i < a.length /\ 0 <= j < a.length }
>       >     writes   { a }
>       >     ensures  { a[i] = (old a)[j] }
>       >     ensures  { a[j] = (old a)[i] }
>       >     ensures  { forall k. 0 <= k < a.length /\ k <> i /\ k <> j
>       -> a[k] =
>       > (old a)[k] }
>       >   = let v = a[i] in
>       >     a[i] <- a[j];
>       >     a[j] <- v
>       Is it possible to use the old keyword in a loop invariant? 
>       Concretely, my
>       code consists of a loop that doesn't touch an array at all, and
>       then some
>       code afterwards that may update an element.  I wonder if I need
>       a loop
>       invariant that indicates that the array is not changed, ie
>       invariant { chosen = (old chosen) }
>       and if so what is the proper way to express that.
>       thanks,
>       julia
> You could put a label before the loop section, and use the at keyword in
> your invariants.
> Example taken from the gallery of verified
> programs: http://toccata.lri.fr/gallery/flag2.en.html
> 'Init:
>   while !i < !r do
>     invariant {
>       forall c:color. nb_occ !a 0 n c = nb_occ (at !a 'Init) 0 n c }
>     variant { !r - !i }
>     match get !a !i with
>     | Blue -> swap a !b !i; b := !b + 1; i := !i + 1
>     | White -> i := !i + 1
>     | Red -> r := !r - 1; swap a !r !i
>     end
>   done
> The invariant states that the number of occurences of the color c between
> indexes 0 and n in array !a is the same as in the array at the start of the
> loop, i.e. at the 'Init label.

That seems to be accepted. Thanks.


> Alix 
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       >
>       > Le 27/02/2018 à 08:45, Guillaume Melquiond a écrit :
>       > > Le 27/02/2018 à 08:18, Julia Lawall a écrit :
>       > >> Is it possible to write an ensures that refers to both the
>       original and
>       > >> final value of an array.  For exampe, if one makes a
>       function update ar i
>       > >> v, one might want to write an ensures that indicates that
>       only the ith
>       > >> element of the array is updated.  All of the others remain
>       unchanged.
>       > >
>       > > Use the "old" keyword. For example, the "ensures" clause of
>       the update
>       > > function in modules/array.mlw is
>       > >
>       > > ensures  { a.elts = M.set (old a.elts) i v }
>       > >
>       > > Best regards,
>       > >
>       > > Guillaume
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>       > --
>       > Claude Marché                          | tel: +33 1 69 15 66
>       08
>       > INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France           |
>       > Université Paris-sud, Bat. 650         |
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>       > F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                    |
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