Le 16/05/2019 à 14:48, Guillaume Melquiond a écrit :
Le 16/05/2019 à 13:38, Jean-Jacques Levy a écrit :

1- assertions around ‘if-statement’ keep the conditional in the logic. In previous 0.88.3, they were splitted around the two branches of the if-statement. Now the provers have to go through the predicate of the if-statement. In command-line, I tried to use a ‘case’ command, but did not seem to help the provers. Same with various ‘split’.. I miss a ‘simplify’ command which would normalize (ie erase) the condition in the two branches?

I cannot think of a good solution. I would have thought that "eliminate_if" would do the trick, but the formula it produces is not suitable for splitting. (It is basically the same formula as the one obtained by "split_all_full".)

After discussing with Andrei, it appears that the "case_split" attribute might help. Assuming that the structure of your code is similar to the following one

let f (b:bool) (x:int)
  ensures { x = 3 }
  assert { [@case_split] if b then x = 1 else x = 2 };

then calling "split_vc" twice produces two goals, the first one being

axiom H1 : b = True
axiom H : x = 1
goal VC f : x = 3

Best regards,

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