Hello Marc,

Yes it is an intentional additional feature. As explained briefly by Francois, a function of profile

let lemma f (x1:t1) .. (x_k:t_k) : t requires {P} ensures {Q}

is turned into the hypothesis

forall x1:t_1,..,x_k:t_k. P -> exists result:t. Q

By the way, I am always interested in recording all the courses taught using Why3 : is there a web page or any kind of public reference to your lectures ? Thank you very much in advance !

- Claude

Le 24/06/2019 à 13:40, Marc Schoolderman a écrit :
Dear all,

While teaching a course Why3, my students stumbled upon the fact that a
let lemma can have a return type other than unit.

This was not the case in older versions of Why3 (at least, pre 1.0)

Is this an intentional change/feature?

Best regards,
Marc Schoolderman

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