Le 14/10/2019 à 14:31, Guillaume Melquiond a écrit :
Le 14/10/2019 à 07:59, Julia Lawall a écrit :
My configuration file contains:

error_color = "red"
error_color_bg = "yellow"
error_line_color = "yellow"

This would suggest that bad code would be written in red letters on a
yellow background, but actually I get black letters on a red background,
which is quite unreadable.  Is it possible to change both the letter color
and the background color or only the background color?

I am using why3 from git, commit e4e2a2a416ff2e98f6247cdf23f068e5369e7f0e
(September 2).
I cannot reproduce your issue, but the code looks a bit dubious. Could
you try replacing

     `BACKGROUND gconfig.error_color


     `FOREGROUND gconfig.error_color

in src/ide/why3ide.ml at line 270 and see if it makes a difference?

Indeed, the error_color field is used both for the foreground color in the error message (bottom right corner) and as background color in the source. We may want to separate these two parameters. I think you cannot yet change the foreground color of the source code on error: I'll open an issue.

Best regards,

Sylvain Dailler

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