Dear Alt-Ergo users,

We are happy to inform you that the second annual meeting of the
Alt-Ergo Users’ Club was held in mid-February. Our annual meeting is the
perfect place to review each partner’s needs regarding Alt-Ergo. This
year, we had the pleasure of receiving them to discuss the
roadmap for future Alt-Ergo developments and enhancements.
To read more go to

In other news, we published a minor release of Alt-Ergo 2.3.1. You
can get the sources from the website:
Opam packages are also available. This release fixes a soundness bug.

The next major release, Alt-Ergo 2.4.0, is currently under development.
It will bring a change regarding the options handling in Alt-Ergo.
Alt-Ergo in its standard version will also support Unix command line
options, thanks to the cmdliner library. You can expect this update
in the next few months.

As usual, we welcome your bug reports, questions, and feedback
regarding this version or Alt-Ergo in general:

Best regards,

Albin Coquereau

Albin Coquereau - R&D engineer, Alt-Ergo's dev team
OCamlPro Sas -

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