
I'd like to advertise on a job offer at EasyMile, a SME located in Toulouse
(France) and specialized in autonomous vehicles and technologies for
autonomous vehicles. The company develops its own autonomous shuttle and
has partnerships with manufacturers to automate third-party vehicles.


The job offer is for a position in the "safety critical embedded systems"
team, and is related to embedded software development, but there is enough
activity for a full-time position in code verification with formal methods
(value analysis, WP), mostly with frama-c on today's code base, even if
other technologies might be used in the future.

If interested, feel free to contact me.

Best regards

Xavier JEAN
R&D Software Engineer

office +33 (0)6 13 28 18 73 <+330613281873>
[image: EasyMile] <http://www.easymile.com/> 21 Boulevard de la Marquette
Bat B, 3e étage
31000 Toulouse
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