Dear Viorel,

Those goals involving a lot of nonlinear arithmetic are giving trouble
to SMT solvers. I could not verify your two goals on my machine either,
even without importing set.Set.

You might be interested in this paper by Guillaume and Raphaël. It
precisely describes a technique to solve such nonlinear arithmetic goals
in Why3:

Best regards,

On 01/01/2021 09:14 PM, Viorel Preoteasa wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following theory:
> theory TestPower
>     use real.RealInfix
>     use real.PowerInt
>     use real.Square
> (*
>     use set.Set
> *)
>     constant _a: real
>     constant _b: real
>     goal task6:
>         (((power (_a +. _b) 6)) =
>         ((((((((power _a 6)
>             +. ((6.0 *. (power _a 5)) *. _b))
>             +. ((15.0 *. (power _a 4)) *. (sqr _b)))
>             +. ((2E+1 *. (power _a 3)) *. (power _b 3)))
>             +. ((15.0 *. (sqr _a)) *. (power _b 4)))
>             +. ((6.0 *. _a) *. (power _b 5)))
>             +. (power _b 6))))
>     goal task9:
>         (((power (_a +. _b) 9)) =
>         (((((((((((power _a 9)
>             +. ((9.0 *. _a) *. (power _b 8)))
>             +. ((36.0 *. (sqr _a)) *. (power _b 7)))
>             +. ((84.0 *. (power _a 3)) *. (power _b 6)))
>             +. ((126.0 *. (power _a 4)) *. (power _b 5)))
>             +. ((126.0 *. (power _a 5)) *. (power _b 4)))
>             +. ((84.0 *. (power _a 6)) *. (power _b 3)))
>             +. ((36.0 *. (power _a 7)) *. (sqr _b)))
>             +. ((9.0 *. (power _a 8)) *. (power _b 1)))
>             +. (power _b 9))))
> end
> This cannot be proved by the default z3 driver, but it can be proved by
> a customized driver which removes many results. However, even the
> customized driver fails if the theory includes set.Set. Then task6 times
> out, and task9 succeeds. I tried to add to the custom driver  the
> following declaration:
> theory set.Set
>   remove allprops
> end
> But it does not help. The problem is that I cannot avoid having set.Set
> in the theory, but I want to disable it somehow from the driver.
> I am using why3 1.3.3 and z3 4.8.9. I know that this version of z3 is
> not supported, but the latest supported version seems to have a bug
> related to powers.
> Any help would by appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Viorel Preoteasa
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