Le 17/02/2021 à 13:44, Frank Pfenning a écrit :
We are using WhyML/Why3 in a course on Bug Catching at CMU,
and one of the students asked if it was possible to insert print
statements into their code.  Presumably, they'd want the interpreter
(why3 execute) to show them the value of variables at certain points
in the program for debugging purposes.

Is there a way to do this?  I couldn't find any notes on this in the manual
or standard libraries.  We are using Why3.1.3.3.

Why3 includes a `string` type since version 1.3, and there is the module io.StdIO in the standard library.

I don't think `why3 execute` supports those though (fell free to submit an issue) but extraction to OCaml supports it. For example

let test () =
  print_string "Hello Why3 World";
  print_newline ()

can be extracted thanks to

why3 extract -D ocaml64 hello.mlw

giving the file

let test (_: unit) : unit =
  Pervasives.print_string "Hello Why3 World"; Pervasives.print_newline ()

I hope that can be of some help in your use case

- Claude

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