Wow really interesting ... I will try it as soon as possible!


- Paolo

On 10/14/06, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks,

I just added project wicket-jmx in the wicket-1.x branch which
provides JMX support for Wicket. It currently exposes most of the
application properties, some writable, has support for stopping/
starting and querying a request logger, and clearing the markup cache.

Currently only for 1.2, but I can add it for 2.0 later this week. For
2.0, I'd like to put it in the core project, as JMX is shipped with
the JRE form version (1.)5 on.

Btw, JMX is totally non-intrusive, so you don't need to do anything
special in you apps to make use of  it.

I also upgraded the wicket-examples project to use Jetty 6, and let it
start up with JMX support. Run StartExamples with parameter and start up Java 5's jconsole or some
other JMX agent to browse around.

I hope to get people enthusiastic about the JMX support and get some
suggestions (patches!) etc.

Have fun,


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