Hi everybody,
 (this is the first time I post here, so I should probably present
myself.. my name's Filippo, live in Milan, for more info:
http://www.diotalevi.com; obviously I like Wicket and I'd like to
contribute, but give me some time to study it more in deep...).
This morning I was having a look at the schedule of the next
Javapolis, and noticed that there aren't presentations about Wicket.
That's a pity!

Since I see that some of you are europeans, my question is: are you
going to Javapolis next December? would you be interested in
organizing a BOF about Wicket? I mean, nothing formal, just an hands
on lab to show how the framework works, how to use it with Spring and
the like. It would be great for wicket-newbies like me to have the
opportunity to learn directly from the developers..

If anyone of you guys is interested, I can take care of the
organization (writing a proposal, contacting the organizers...)


Filippo Diotalevi

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