Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> On 12/4/06, Sylvain Wallez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>> > I don't like to deprecate listview. It has enough good usecases to
>> > keep it and promote its use. And furthermore, I would like to know
>> > *which* repeaters move to core...
>> >
>> > Therefore: -1 for the proposal (either outcome)
>> Is this a formal veto for the whole thing, or would you accept it if we
>> move some repeaters to core and don't deprecate ListView?
> As the proposal currently stands it is a veto. If the proposal is
> amended/changed, I will change my vote. The current proposal just
> doesn't leave much room for the middle way.
> In this particular case, I found the premise bad: ListView does not
> suck, and should remain in core.

Right, but what haven't you stated this when voting -1? That would have
helped people realize that another approach is possible, especially when
it's as simple as not deprecating ListView.

> I really don't like votes where halfway through the voting subjects
> change. This is a horrible precedent, and clouds the meaning of
> earlier votes. On the other hand, starting 5 vote threads to get one
> thing fixed is also not helpful and just as bad.

I don't see it like that. A vote was started, whose propositions led you
to raise a veto. Now although a veto blocks the modification, it should
be justified [1] to allow further discussion and alternative proposals,
i.e. trigger the community dynamics. Such alternative proposals can then
lead to a new vote, which is what happened here.

My 0.02 €



Sylvain Wallez -

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