On 12/7/06, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/7/06, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another example is Link with a label inside. I'm starting to get
> irritated with the fact that even though a label rendering was
> requested as part of it's default behavior, and at least some people
> were pro that, it ended in a stale mate again, and that even the basic
> facility for letting people do that themselves (letting them override
> onComponentTagBody) is yet again a point of debate.

And this is exactly why I am not +1. This is a covert attempt to get
your way, even though the previous vote stranded.

What th are you talking about? A covert attempt? Please! This is an
attempt to provide people with the means to do it themselves.
Currently, people who want to make such a custom component have to do
a lot of code duplication because they can't do it by extending Link.

> I don't believe we have to be that strict on these
> methods anymore.

I think some disagree here, as can be seen from the mixed reactions to
your proposal.

Yeah, not the *I* please.

> They served our purposes for protecting ourselves
> against opening up too soon well, and as you can see from the history
> of opening up these methods, there usually have been cases where it
> made perfect sense, but we just didn't think about the use case
> before.

Therefore we ask with each opening of the API for a usecase. In your
proposal the only usecase you give is that "it is time". Or your
frustration that a previous attempt stranded.

I don't think you have to be insulting.


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