* Eelco Hillenius:

> As it only works with quite a few ifs and buts,

It   works  great   with  the   wicket-examples  and   all  Wicket
applications, but it's true that  things get more complicated when
using a  component manager like  Spring, because then you  need to
have  proper separation  between  the presentation  layer and  the
business  model.   In this  case  we  could  provide a  FAQ  entry
like:   « Why  do  I  get a  ClassCastException  when  turning  on
ReloadingWicketFilter »  and explain  how  to solve  the issue  by
fiddling with the include/exclude patterns.

> So far I think only Johan and I have looked at it, but before we
> decide on whether this should be part of Wicket core/ extensions
> or not,  I think more  people should look  at it and  give their
> opinions.

You're right, I  invite every Wicket developer and  all users that
can afford to checkout the code to test this feature, to have more
feedback and ensure it works smoothly.

> My concern is not that this isn't useable - in fact I think many
> people  will  find  it great  -  but  I  am  afraid that  if  we
> officially support it,  people *will* expect it to  work for all
> occasions, and when  it doesn't they would expect  us to provide
> answers, fixes and so on. Personally,  I'm not sure if I'm ready
> to do that.

I'd be glad to maintain the code and provide support for it, FWIW.

     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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