
I'm not using Maven. I use Ant and Ivy.

I like the wicket-all idea. One version - one distribution - one download.

First step: I create (or copy) an IntelliJ project with modules over the extracted distribution. So I can navigate through the source, the samples and the rest. The web site and the docs are not important. But I don't mind. If the projects are nicely structured I can even compile and start the sample applications without any hassle.

I use this project to lookup how samples work, for api documentation and to look how the internals are implemented.

Second step: I copy all the jar files I need to my repository to update my projects.

The wicket-all distribution is a nice addition to people who want to get an overview over the current release quickly without getting into the details of the project's structures (subprojects and source/jar and distribution jars) in the maven repositories.


Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Our current Wicket release distribution consists of several zip files,
one for each project. Each zip contains all the dependencies for that
particular project, including the wicket dependencies. This means that
when you download wicket-1.2.4.zip, wicket-spring-1.2.4.zip and
wicket-spring-annot-1.2.4.zip, you will download wicket-1.2.4.jar 3
times, wicket-spring-1.2.4 2 times and wicket-spring-annot-1.2.4.jar 1

Also, each release contains the generated website. Now the only two
websites that are actually worth something are:
- the main wicket distribution, as it contains the examples.
- the wicket-quickstart distribution, as it contains the guides for the 3 ide's

Recently, Eelco asked the question, what will improve our release
process? Part of the improvement could come from streamlining the
contents of our zips.

Some options I see (I'm not +1, just stating them):
- split zips into source and binary distributions, going with the
default maven assemblies
- remove site docs from distributions, only include a readme, the
docs can be found online (http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKETxSITE)
- create one wicket-all zip with all wicket jars
- add source-jar/javadoc-jar to the zips (currently left out)

- do we need to support ant builds for the source distribution?
- do we need to supply all dependencies in the source and/or binary
- do we like our current distributions, so no change is necessary?



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