exactly what will you improve in core by having joda time? why cant it be a
dependency on the extensions? or why not make it a core module all onto


On 2/2/07, Philip A. Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My non-binding vote is go for it.

Eelco Hillenius wrote:
> Hi all,
> For those who don't know, Joda Time: http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/
> is a *much* better replacement of the Java date and time APIs it many
> ways (see their 'why Joda time section'). Also, Joda time will be the
> basis of JSR 310 (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=310).
> Date/ time handling wouldn't normally be part of Wicket's
> responsibility, wouldn't it be the fact that our date related
> components suffer from the JDKs API being bad. I wrote some components
> and a converter based on Joda time that work better than the current
> ones we have. The most important feature of those components is that
> they take the client's time zone into account. I've tried to write
> them against the normal date/time API, but got so sick of battling it
> that I gave up. And as soon as I adopted Joda time (which we were
> already using for our project), it worked superb!
> My proposal is to include Joda time as a dependency of the wicket core
> project. I know *any* extra dependency raises eyebrows and I feel
> great about Wicket hardly having any dependencies at the moment.
> However, I feel this library is so good and could improve our core
> components and converters so much that it is worth having the extra
> dependency.
> Joda time is a maven 2 project, is Apache 2.0 licensed,  and version
> 1.4 is 512KB.
> Your thoughts/ votes?
> Eelco

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