what i would like is something like this (keeping in mind its just a quick

requestcycle.process() {
   IRequestCodingStrategy strategy=resolveStrategy(request);
   RequestParameters params=strategy.decode(request);
   IRequestTarget target=resolveTarget(params);

The process events step was specifically designed to facilitate a
processing model where the event handling and render step were
separate, i.e. portlets. Besides, I think it is pretty clean to have
that distinction.

Also, we might get rid of the crazy loop that is now used for
processing, but the request cycle needs to have some awareness of what
kind of processing it is currently delegating. Particularly for
deciding what should happen when setRequestTarget is called.

i would like to remove the default onruntimeexception handler, and let users
wrap this method themselves if they wish

I would like to guarantee that Wicket at least intercepts the
exception, if only to log it properly. I think I prefer the callback
to telling people that they should put a try/ catch block about method
x if they want to log the exception or do other stuff with it. But
maybe I don't understand what you're proposing.

so now we have the workflow encapsulated in request cycle and it should be
pretty easy to add pre/post processing.

The workflow already is encapsulated in the request cycle, it is too
much delegation/ indirection that makes it ugly.

Supporting portlets was one of the major drivers to start the
refactoring that resulted in IRequestCycleProcessor. The original idea
behind IRequestCycleProcessor isn't bad. It is basically a
formalization of the steps RequestCycle typically executes when
handling a request and put in an interface so that the actual
execution can be delegated.

Now, more than a year and a lot of tweaks of various people further, I
think we can conclude that IRequestCodingStrategy takes a much more
central place than the one it got initially assigned, and is too hard/
ugly to configure right now.

Another thing I see now is that I gave in too easily on people's
request to provide more flexibility through interfaces. This is
exactly the kind of sh*t you end up by making everything an interface
rather than keeping stuff together in a base class. So while I think
the steps defined in request cycle processor are good - which the
exception that the encoder should get a more prevalent place - I think
that one of the best starts we can make is to get rid of the
IRequestCycleProcessor interface and get back to something basic
again. I think IRequestTarget is something we still need. I do feel
sorry about having to much interfaces there too, so we could consider
going back to base classes there as well, but the idea of RequestCycle
working with (potentially a stack of) request target(s) is good.

as for the timeframe i am also not sure when is the best time to do this is.

I think if we try not to come up with the crazy ultra-perfect solution
for a change, but just try to simplify what we have (basically keep
the algorithm, but go loose some of the interfaces) and only put some
extra thinking into how we can keep all the URL handling better
together we could probably do it pretty soon. And it is probably worth
it to do it now, as our and our users' projects can benefit from it
and it will be a lot easier explaining that stuff in the book (though
I'd have to rewrite a couple of pages).

Also, getting rid of some interfaces isn't that drastic and I think it
is unlikely we break a lot of users. Only the ones that did really
crazy stuff, but they'll be able to fix those couple of occasions
(like one a project?) where they actually used a customized processor.


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