Martijn Dashorst wrote:
This is a vote that I came to after some long hard thinking. Our
examples projects have grown and put a burden on the release
procedure. We already discussed merging them into one project and iirc
the concensus was to make it so. The problem lies with the
Wicket 1.x branch where we have Java 1.4 projects and Java 1.5 projects.

In order to stop the proliferation of the examples projects *and*
avoid a split into a Java 1.4 and Java 1.5 examples project, I
propose to make the examples projects Java 1.5 dependent. This doesn't
mean that Wicket, Wicket Spring and Wicket extensions
become Java 5 dependent, only the one examples project that rules them
all (insert evil laughter here).

[ ] No, I object! Java 1.4 examples are the thing I live and die for
[ ] Yes, make one examples project to rule them all, and by all means,
make it Java 1.5 dependent

Is it possible to have some kind of annotation as to whether a specific sample might expect to work on 1.4/1.5? Otherwise, folks might waste time on 1.5 only projects when they have a 1.4 dependency.

Needn't be anything more than a note on the web pages themselves.

Regards, Upayavira

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