Martijn Dashorst a écrit :
I don't agree. style="display:none" is not the same as not rendering it at all

The text and markup is still available, it could have stuff that is
sensitive in it. setVisible (false) should always remove the whole
markup for the component from the stream.
No, I think I wasn't very clear in what I said ;) .
Generating an empty span is not very good because it could invalidate the xhtml, so just replacing the empty span tag with an *empty* component tag (div if it was a div, td if it was a td etc...) and display:none on it in order to not invalidate Xhtml could be fine imo.

Ajax should work the same as normal requests. Otherwise what is the
fricking point of having a AjaxFallbackLink?

Yes it is a drag to add containers around your stuff that you want to
hide. but it makes it explicit and predictable.


On 3/7/07, Vincent Demay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think it will be easier to speek about this in the mailing list ;) .

I agree with the last comment : "then why not simply adding the
style="display:none" attribute to the component tag, instead of creating
an additional <span> ?" but without its innnerHtml, only the
componentTag. I think it should work in all case.

Vincent Demay

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