The warnings have been resolved, and the META-INF directory of each
jar file will now include the LICENSE, NOTICE and DISCLAIMER file
(incubator disclaimer).

I suggest that everyone upgrades their maven to 2.0.5 to prevent conflicts.


On 3/13/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been working on the release and have come to a last point: how to
package stuff.

The default src assembly is IMO moot: it packages each project without
context. It seems to me that a zip containing the sources for all
projects is better, as it makes it one package as a whole

The default bin assembly doesn't include jar dependencies so our users
have to download all the dependencies themselves.

The sites generate for the most part in the jdk-1.4 section. They
still require a site.xml (and I included for most a index.apt which
has an incubation disclaimer). The site.xml is needed otherwise the
maven site plugin doesn't use our skin.

I've reinstated the profiles, but with a twist: now if someone runs
maven using a JDK-1.4 it will only build the JDK-1.4 modules.
Otherwise all projects are built (including the JDK-1.4). You'd get
errors if you try to build the JDK-1.5 modules using a 1.4 java
version, but I'd rather avoid those as well.

In the root pom we need to define where the snapshots and distribution
repository live. I set them to my p.a.o. ( account,
but I don't think that the root pom should have that information. I'd
rather have the directory/deployment url be in my local settings.xml
file. Then everyone can be the release manager.

 - decide the final assembly formats
 - fix jdk-1.5 sites, and the multi-module site build (links between
projects don't work)
 - see if maven release plugin is a good fit (doubt that)
 - see why people get errors building our new structure


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