Ok +1 on releasing to IPMC.

I don't expect them to just eat it without comments. I guess the biggest
point will be the license header aspect. I would therefor appreciate if we
could agree on what I have wrote in the wiki[1] or else reach consensus on
what our opinion is on this.



On 3/26/07, Frank Bille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/25/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 3/25/07, Frank Bille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    - Why do we have NOTICE, DISCLAIMER, README and LICENSE on so many
> >       levels? (root of distribution, in src folder and then in all the
> projects)
> The files in the 'src' directories are necessary for building from
> source. Without them, the build will just fail.
> The files in the root are necessary as per policy. So we can't just
> remove them/leave them out.

Fair enough.

>       - Shouldn't NOTICE in /dist-root and /src be a concatination of
> >       all the NOTICE files? RIght now it's just a copy of wicket-core
> >       and doesn't contain the things in f.ex. wicket-examples.
> Done. This is automatically compiled by the release.sh script, before
> the actual maven magic kicks in.


>       - "sessions" and "target" folders. Wouldn't it be nice if these
> >       were not included?
> I removed the sessions folder, but the target just won't go away. I
> find my personal time now more important than shoehorning maven to
> remove this last directory.

Fine by me. I don't think it's a problem either when going to IPMC.

>       - "mvn -U install" in src gives me an error when downloading
> >       this dependency: "
> >       org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:pom:2.2-SNAPSHOT
> "?!
> >       (this also means that I haven't checked any further ATM)
> Waits until release 2.2 of the assembly plugin. This version is
> necessary for building the release. See previous mail for installation
> instructions. Though the dependency should not be a problem anymore
> for the install/package/deploy targets.

It's fine by me, if it will soon be released. I will install the snapshot
and see what happens when compiling (but it should be ok, what i've heard so

>       - Maven artifacts:
> >       - Where does the NOTICE in META-INF come from? For wicket-core
> >       it's completely different than the one in the source folder (
> >       NOTICE.txt). It could be something I have overlooked in these
> >       discussions.
> Fixed by removing the apache remote resource bundle and adding a
> <resource> section for the license and notice files. This triggered a
> bug in maven, causing the sources plugin to hang. I have fixed it but
> it may surface again.

Ok. I actually thought it was a conscious effort that the NOTICE files
where different.

I will give my vote tomorrow after I have tried to build and checked the
last bits. We are sooo close :)


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