On 5/1/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> protected Object convertValue(String[] value) {
>   // we can ignore passed in value, but what we do instead is create an
> object based on child components
>   LocalTime time=(LocalTime)timepicker.getconvertedinput();
>   DateTime datetime=time.withDate
> ((LocalDate)datepicker.getConvertedInput());
>   return datetime;
> }

Yeah, this was the direction I've been thinking as well. What I didn't
like about this is that the String[] argument is passed in - even
though it can't be ignored it just doesn't look great, and like you

yep. the question is do we want to change the api? it is easy, that array
comes from getInputAsArray(),  no magic.

you have to do a bit of extra chicking still because validatation hasnt
> passed on the date and time pickers, only coversion. this can be
> imho. we can do conversion+validation sequentially in a single pass
> of in multiple separate passes.

it's only half way done. Imho, even would be even cooler if model
updating would have been done for those kids as well, so that I don't
have to know about converted input (imo an internal method) but can
just get the model objects directly.

no no no. you cannot update the model unless you know the whole thing is
valid! this is because you dont know how the models are constructed. there
is no guarantee that formcomponentpanel will encapsulate the model somehow,
it could just pass its own model to its children. and if we do what you
propose that some parts of the root form model can get updated even though
the form is not valid - a big no no.

Which makes me think of something... what should we do if anything
fails (conversion, validation) for child components. You typically
want to process siblings like we've always done for formcomponents
that are not nested in other formcomponents, but I don't think we
should visit deeper (go up the hierarchy as we traverse post order)
for any of the steps (conversion, validation and updatemodel) when one
of them fails. WDYT?

that is already done. formcomponent.isvalid() now checks its children as
well, so if something inside fails  ancestors are not checked.

i can probably make this change soon.

Excellent! :)




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