wicket uses callback methods instead of listeners for a simple reason: it is
a smaller memory footprint - there is no list to store, no listener
implementations to serialize. it is further my experience that you very very
rarely need more then one listener, so it cannot justify the overhead imho.


On 5/4/07, Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I've started using Wicket few months ago, I found myself wondering:
do I have to override methods instead add listeners to my component?

Developing forms is quite strange to me, when I have to override the
onSubmit() method. If we say "Swing-like OO Component Model", why there's
listeners and events? I say this because I'm thinking on writing a Genesis
Binding <http://genesis.dev.java.net> between Genesis and Wicket, and
because it's lack of listener architecture,  it's impossible to do it
easily. Instead, I have two options only:

1) Write subclasses for every component and base class (almost, re-write
entire Wicket) like GenesisWebPage, GenesisForm, GenesisButton,

2) AspectWerkz. Genesis itself has AOP but the Binding component no. It
binding with SWT, Swing and Thinlet, but no for any web

Maybe, listeners/events could resolve some other problems like that one
about onFirstAttach or whatever.

What you guys think?

Bruno Borges
Summa Technologies Inc.
(48) 8404-1300
(11) 3055-2060

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