you _maintain_ them as far as keeping api with wicket in sync. but do you
actively develop them? do they provide any value in their current state? are
they up to the latest hibernate version?

imho those projects never got finished, not even close.


On 5/6/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With the rise of databinder, what should we do with the hibernate
> contrib projects? Are they maintained, or even necessary? Their last
> release has been 1.0, and stems from 2005.
> The projects:
> wicket-contrib-data
> wicket-contrib-data-hibernate2
> wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-3.0
> If there is no activity on these projects, I'd like to disable their
> releases on sourceforge, and move the subversion modules to an attic.
> Having the releases available drives people in the wrong direction
> IMO. Databinder is actively maintained and provides the best direct
> hibernate integration.

Why does this have to come up every few months? They *are* maintained
in that they are kept in check with the changes. Please look at the
commit logs. I don't even know why you have to bring this up, as I've
been the only one feeling the pain of maintaining them.

So, please for once and for all: no, we're not gonna delete them. I'll
decide when I've had enough of maintaining them, and I might decide to
put a warning somewhere that databinder is a lot better (which is an
assumption I didn't even check).


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