Why limit to getTargetClass() when its possible to return with getTarget()
and do a getTarget().getClass() ?

Bruno Borges
Summa Technologies Inc.
(48) 8404-1300
(11) 3055-2060

On 5/11/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This discussion came out of the recent hibernate wicket-stuff
> activity.  For my behaviors/validators/listeners to work, I need to
> have visibility into the PropertyModel's internal configuration.  In
> particular, I need access to the:
> * propertyExpression configured for a particular form component

That's a bit weird currently. One option I see is to put:

public final String getPropertyExpression() {
  return propertyExpression();

in AbstractPropertyModel.

I can't see much wrong with this, so I went ahead and comitted it.

> *  targetClass that this model is using

I think we need to change Wicket core for this. In fact, I think it's
a broader use case than just property models. I can imagine something
like IModelTargetTypeAware or something. Besides giving you the tools
to inspect more, it would also enable us to get rid of that ugly type
argument in text form components.

I won't be active much for the next few weeks, so Ryan, you'll have to
push this a bit yourself :)


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