* Al Maw:
>  - We default to DEVELOPMENT and we should make it more obvious that you
>    should set DEPLOYMENT for production servers.

+1 many people I know deploy their application in DEVELOPMENT
mode.  The Wicket control panel should be visible in development
mode without the possibility to turn it off, like you mentioned in

>  - We currently provide the following methods to configure which mode
>    you run in:
>      - Set a System property.
>      - Set a servlet context param.
>      - Set a filter param.
>    If you don't fit into any of those, it makes life difficult - you
>    don't want to just call configure(DEPLOYMENT) in your init() method,
>    because then configure() is called twice - once by Wicket internally,
>    probably in default DEVELOPMENT mode, and once by you manually. This
>    results in a bunch of DEVELOPMENT mode stuff running on your live
>    environment, and it's not that obvious that this is what's going on.
>    (See WICKET-6, where even JBQ doesn't seem to entirely get this.)

Yes I get it entirely but you didn't mention that in the issue
description (that configure() is called twice) so it was not very

> Err, can I call a vote on this please?
>  [x] Yes, great idea, let's get it into 1.3.0-beta2
>  [ ] No, that's rubbish, because...

+1 for getConfigurationType() with a default implementation for
backwards compatibility.
     Jean-Baptiste Quenot
aka  John Banana   Qwerty

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