make your own base model

public abstract class ComponentAssignModel implements IWrapModel,

   private Component component;

    * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IWrapModel#getWrappedModel()
   public IModel getWrappedModel()
       return this;

    * @see org.apache.wicket.model.IComponentAssignedModel#wrapOnAssignment
   public IWrapModel wrapOnAssignment(Component component)
       this.component = component;
       return this;

   protected Component getComponent()
       return this.component;

the only thing is that i dont know if this completely works correctly (but i
think it should, bug or no bugs)


On 7/5/07, Vincent Demay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a custom model where i need to access to the component. The only
method I found seems me a little bit overkill :
my model should implement IComponentInheritedModel and I also need to
declare a new class implementing IWrapModel to return on
wrapOnInheritance. Furthermore all this stuff is not really oriented to
simply get the component in the model. (maybe there is a better way?)

I thought about a very simple way :
Just creating a new interface :
IComponentAwareModel{ void setComponent(Component component)}
and adding in component.class
if (model instanceof IComponentAwareModel){

I think it also avoid to write 40 code lines just to get the component
in the model.


Vincent Demay

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