wow, that was quick, juergen. thx

well, since it's still fresh, it could still be improved a little bit, as of
right now, ILinkRenderStrategy can't make use of regex groups, as only a
single string is passed to the ILinkRenderStrategy#buildLink method.
this problem could be solved by passing a String[] to the buildLink method.
this String[] is built by LinkParser and just represents the groups from the
it just looks a little bit too much implementation specific, as there is no
reference to regex patterns in the interfaces, as it's an implementation
detail of the class LinkParser.

what do you think?


On 7/8/07, Gerolf Seitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

just filed a jira issue with a patch.
i'd be happy for any comments...

On 7/7/07, Gerolf Seitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> will do, i'm just too tired now to finish what i have already started.
> i will get back to you as soon as i have finished it.
> gerolf
> On 7/6/07, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > any patch is welcome. Please open a jira issue, upload the patch and
> > I'm happy to look at it. Thanks.
> >
> > Juergen
> >
> > On 7/6/07, Gerolf Seitz < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > since juergen donnerstag is the author of this class, this question
> > is
> > > probably directed towards him, but all opinions are welcome, as
> > always.
> > >
> > > i wanted to provide an encrypted version of the SmartLinkLabel but
> > since
> > > it's marked as final i would have to copy/paste the existing code
> > and modify
> > > it accordingly.
> > > what's a bit strange too is the static method smartLink, which does
> > the
> > > actual text processing.
> > >
> > > is it possible to remove the final and allow the smartLink method to
> > be
> > > overwritten?
> > > for better reuse of the actual text processing (currently also used
> > in
> > > MultiLineSmartLinkLabel), maybe some kind of
> > factory/strategy/whatever could
> > > help...
> > >
> > > it would probably be better too, if the default implementation
> > renders an
> > > encrypted link (using html entities like &#65;..).
> > >
> > > gerolf
> > >
> >

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