Hello Gil,

That's a long email -- sorry if I missed something :) And 
anyway I skipped the parts on Wicket internals as I don't
know about that.

On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Marek Gilbert wrote:
> I'm using wicket 1.3 beta 1.

Immediately upgrade to beta2, or better yet, to the
snapshots to get this


on board.

> Then I noticed that there was an executeAjaxEvent method on  
> WicketTester.  I then tried to fill in the form using a FormTester  
> and then execute the "onclick" behavior associated with my button and  
> this almost worked again.  This time all the ajax behavior events  

This is how it's supposed to be done, as far as I know.

> were being called but there were no values for my form parameters in  
> the request.  This seems to be because  
> BaseWicketTester.submitAjaxFormSubmitBehavior() pulls all the values  
> out of the actual underlying form and sets parameters in the request  
> based on them, in effect undoing the work I did with the FormTester  
> (recall that FormTester sets up a request and then sets parameters on  
> the request for each call to setValue or the like).

Yep. If I understand correctly, at least some of this is 
fixed in WICKET-254.

Wicket and its built-in ajax support are excellent, and so 
is WicketTester, but when doing heavy ajax we have faced a 
lot of problems with WicketTester. At least a part of them 
were solved by the above test.

>   - Am I crazy for wanting to write these kinds of tests?  I figure  

Of course not :)

> WicketTester tests are way more palatable than doing something like  
> Selenium here.  When the forms weren't Ajax enabled the FormTester  
> approach worked really well.  We don't have a whole lot of Javascript  
> besides that which Wicket supplies so hooking up the ajax-based  
> version of this test would seem to be just what the doctor ordered.

I think that WicketTester tests are more unit-test like
(even though they are not unit tests in the strictest
sense). Whatever you test with WicketTester, there's no
telling on how the code will behave in different browsers.
And sometimes it can be difficult to get something to work
realistically in the test.

That's why it's a very good idea to complement your
WicketTester tests with Selenium. This is most easily done
with Selenium RC (remote control) which you can nicely use
on a per-component basis, if you're on Java 5 (or above) and
can use WicketBenchTestCase from Wicket Bench:


> If this issue is bugging other people I'd be happy to start hacking  
> on FormTester and friends myself and submit patches but I was pretty  
> sure that I didn't have the whole picture in my head yet and wanted  
> to see if there were any obvious ways of doing this that I'm just  
> missing.

Probably providing patches and quickstarts to Jira would get
stuff fixed quickly (maybe for 1.4 if 1.3 is starting to get
frozen), if you still have problems after the fix of

In general, it's a great idea to search the wiki


and Nabble


before asking:


Best wishes,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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