
You will need to fix a lot of unit tests I figure.


On 7/25/07, Al Maw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi folks,

Although some people don't really care what their URLs look like, lots
of people do.

If you use UrlCompressingWebCodingStrategy you can get the actual
parameter values for interface/behaviour/etc. URLs looking pretty small
and inoffensive.

But the name is still something large, like "wicket:interface". I'm
wondering if for 1.3 we could replace that with just:

wicket:interface        --> w:i
wicket:behaviourId      --> w:b
wicket:bookmarkablePage --> w:p
wicket:pageMapName      --> w:m

It'd make the URLs shorter and not really any less comprehensible (this
stuff only really means anything to people who understand the internals

It'd make things very marginally quicker (less string matching).

In short, I can't really see any disadvantage to it, other than that it
will break any existing bookmarks to non-mounted pages. I'm pretty sure
that the upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3 breaks these anyway.

It's a trivial fix (just update the constants in
WebRequestCodingStrategy and a bunch of expected unit test results).

What do people think?



Alastair Maw
Wicket-biased blog at http://herebebeasties.com

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