if you send a session id with the url or the header
Then the image can also be stale (not cacheable) Because it is session bound
So we should try to avoid a session state being attached on a image link (a static link ofcourse which doesn't change)


Juergen Donnerstag wrote:
I don't agree. There are two ways for a jsessionid to be provided from
a browser to a servelt container. a) url parameter b) http header. I'm
not really an expert on this but as far as I know it is a matter of
servlet container config and the reason there are two options is
because of SSL. The url does not get encrypted whereas the header
does. Firewalls, load balancers etc. not able to read the header
(because it is encrypted) can not do what they are intended to.


On 4/23/05, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
that is strange yes
It smells like that jsessionid should be reversed... the href should
have a jsession id and a img src not. (at least a static resource not a
completely dynamic one is session bound)

Gili wrote:

    Another thing I noticed. The URL generated for <img> tags contains
a "jsessionid" whereas the URL generated for <a href> does not. Example:

class="screenshotCategory"> <img width="239" height="179"

    Smells like a bug to me. What do you think?


Gili wrote:

    If you hit http://www.desktopbeautifier.com/ you will notice you
can view the images just fine but once you click on any of them you
get a broken link. This code used to work just fine a few weeks back
and I don't understand why it is suddenly broken. In my Java file I

    ResourceLink sunsetCategoryLarge = new
ResourceLink("sunsetCategoryLarge", new
StaticImageResourceReference(getClass(), "sunset/category.jpg"));

    which is meant to refer to "sunset/category.jpg" relative to the
Path of the current Page. At runtime I see this generates the path
in the rendered HTML.

    Does anyone have any idea why this generates a broken link?


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